Archive for ‘ January, 2023 ’

  1. Technology

    The work to move the railroad track must be completed within 53 hours!

    Since the night of Friday the 6th, work has been underway at Shibuya Station to shift the track 2.7m to the side. Shibuya Station is one of …

  2. Cultures

    It’s time to give my stomach a rest.

    One week has passed since the beginning of the year. Do you feel tired when you start work or school? There is a culture of eating "Okayu (r…

  3. Foods

    The food that kills the most people in Japan

    We eat mochi (rice cakes) at New Year's. Mochi is made by steaming, pounding, and kneading sticky rice. Mochi are made at the end of the yea…

  4. Lifestyle

    Curse of “How are you?”

    In English conversation, the question Japanese fear the most is "How are you?" For Japanese who are unfamiliar with overseas, it is. The lea…

  5. Lifestyle

    First business day of 2023!

    Government offices will resume operations today. Accordingly, many private-sector also will begin.It is hard to work after the holidays. B…

  6. Technology

    Money-offering to shrines is becoming electronically. But…

    We go to a shrine and put offerings money. This is gratitude to the Deity. Originally, people offered rice and food from the sea and mountai…

  7. Entertainment

    Watch the video made by Japan’s number one Otaku, Hideaki Anno, when he was a college student on Amazon Prime Video!

    Daikon Film's Return of Ultraman, an independent film directed by Hideaki Anno when he was in college, is now available on Amazon Prime Vide…

  8. Cultures

    90% of Japanese do on New Year’s Day

    Happy New Year! Wishing you all a happy this year!90 million Japanese visit shrines and temples at the beginning of the year to pray for a…