Archive for ‘ August, 2023 ’

  1. Values

    Summertime Voices Heard Outside

    "Meen, min, min, min, meen..." These sounds can be heard outside in Japan during the summer. According to a foreigner, "Japanese trees make …

  2. Lifestyle

    Cooling Gel Sheet: What You Need for a Hot Summer

    Asia, Europe, and the United States continue to experience intense heat waves, with increasing areas recording the highest temperatures. Tod…

  3. Lifestyle

    The Day the Atomic Bomb Was Dropped on Hiroshima

    At 8:15 a.m. on August 6, 1945, the United States military dropped an atomic bomb over the city of Hiroshima. On this date in 2023, Japan ob…

  4. Entertainment

    Oda Eiichiro Gives His Approval to the LIVE-ACTION “ONE PIECE”

    The Netflix live-action drama series "ONE PIECE" will premiere on August 31. Eiichiro Oda, the original author of the manga, sent a personal…