Blog Archives

  1. Cultures

    How to hold chopsticks beautifully

    One of the criteria for judging whether a person can be trusted in a relationship is the way he/she holds chopsticks when eating. If a per…

  2. Illustration of an astronaut standing on the moon


    Astronaut Selection Examination Held in Japan for the First Time in 13 Years

    In November 2021, for the first time in 13 years, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) announced a call for astronaut candidates. The…

  3. Technology

    Former Prime Minister Abe Digital Flower Donation Project

    On July 8, 2022, former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo was shot and killed. The sudden news of his death was disheartening to all Japanese.…

  4. Lifestyle

    More and more people are taking refuge in hotels when typhoons hit

    From summer to autumn, Japan is in typhoon season. In recent years, there has been much flooding due to large amounts of rainfall in a sho…

  5. Values

    The Emperor’s Black Mask

    The Japanese are people who worry about consideration. This became evident when the Emperor and Empress visited the United Kingdom to atte…

  6. Clip art of woman holding Calpis


    India has lassi, Japan has Calpis.

    Calpis is a lactic acid bacteria drink that has been sold in Japan since 1919. It is a cloudy white liquid, diluted 4 to 5 times with wate…

  7. A man cleaning toilets in the hope that business will prosper.


    There is a Deity in the toillet.

    "Japanese people like to keep clean." Today I would like to introduce you to one belief that illustrated this very well. That is, "Deity l…

  8. punctuality


    2 rules I was taught in Elementary School

    Today I would like to introduce 2 rules that I was taught at elementary school. I believe these rules are connected to the Japanese sense …