
  1. Two Legendary Shogi Players Are in Confrontation!

    The famous Japanese professional shogi players are in the midst of a seven-game championship. Their names are Yoshiharu Habu and Sota Fujii.…

  2. On this National Day, I Reflect on Patriotism 

    February 11 is a national holiday, National Foundation Day. What constitutes a national day varies from country to country. In the case of J…

  3. Demons out! Fortune in! 

    In Japan, this is the time when the cold of winter reaches its peak and turns into spring.  That day is called Setsubun. Since it was believ…

  4. Do Japanese People Still Wear Masks?

    Yes. Most Japanese still wear masks. Let me explain why this is so from my personal Japanese point of view.I wear a mask from the standpoi…

  5. The New Year’s Fire Ritual

    Have you gotten out of the New Year's mood yet? On January 15, there was an event that concludes the New Year period from the end of the yea…

  6. I cheer for new adults.

    Today is Coming of Age Day, a national holiday in Japan. People who turned 20 the previous year gather at the venue for the coming-of-age ce…

  7. It’s time to give my stomach a rest.

    One week has passed since the beginning of the year. Do you feel tired when you start work or school? There is a culture of eating "Okayu (r…

  8. 90% of Japanese do on New Year’s Day

    Happy New Year! Wishing you all a happy this year!90 million Japanese visit shrines and temples at the beginning of the year to pray for a…