
  1. Last day of the year. What will you do today?

    Only one more day left in this year! What are you doing in the last day?In Japan, people prepared to welcome a Deity into their homes from…

  2. Toji: the winter solstice

    The year is divided into 24 periods in Japan. This culture originated in China. Each period lasts almost two weeks, and each has its own nam…

  3. Don’t try to one-up me with New Year’s cards.

    In Japan, people start writing Nengajo in December. Nengajo is New Year's card. It is the same size as a regular postcard, 148 x 100 mm, but…

  4. Manga Advertisement

    It is no exaggeration to say that all Japanese can draw manga. The reason may be that they have been exposed to the expression of manga from…

  5. Twitter’s Employee Firings from the Perspective of Japan’s Labor Standards Law

    At the end of October 2022, American businessman Elon Musk completed the acquisition of all shares of Twitter and became the company's CEO. …

  6. Labor Thanksgiving Day

    Today is Labor Thanksgiving Day, a national holiday in Japan. It is the last of 16 holidays in a year. This day is designated as "a day to h…

  7. Ekiden – the marathon relay

    There is a sport called "Ekiden" in Japan. Ekiden is a long-distance road relay. In Kanji, it is represented by two characters: "Eki" for "s…

  8. Shichi-Go-San

    Shichi-Go-San is an annual Japanese festival to celebrate the growth of children. It is celebrated annually on November 15 for children ages…